
A Three-Part Lecture Series + Somatic Integration

The HEROINE’S Journey

There is a void felt these days by women and men — who suspect that their feminine nature, like Persephone, has gone to hell. Wherever there is such a void, such a gap or wound agape, healing must be sought in the blood of the wound itself.

And so the female void [will] be cured… by an internal conjunction, by an integration of its own parts, …or a putting back together of the mother-daughter body.

—NOR HALL, The Moon and the Virgin—

What is the Heroine’s Journey?

The Heroine’s Journey is the archetypal blueprint for the awakening and healing of the Feminine Principle or Energy as it exists in the universe and expresses itself in everything from the cosmic dance of planets, to our human bodies, to the micro cellular structure of a fern.

It is a map to the growth and development of our inner being, our psyches/souls and consequently bodies, a leaving of the external (masculine world) and entering the deep nourishing dark in order to encounter the Mother/ the Divine Feminine and heal the wound of separation.

It is the spiraling down into self-emptying (kenosis) so that our True Blueprint Self might be awakened and restored.

It is also the root system for a sustainable and honest Hero’s Journey (the manifestation of our unique work and purpose in the visible world) and leads to the integration of the Masculine + Feminine energies and the birthing of the New— the Third Way.

Hint: it’s magnificent!!

The path of descent has never been sexy or sought after in our culture

Sadly, the Western patriarchal model has taught us to be externally focused. We are seduced by expressions of success, fame, visibility, and productivity that often cause dysregulated nervous systems, feelings of emptiness, listlessness, and shame. Depending on a person’s natural wiring, we may be navigating our lives in a state of mild freeze, or in a highly anxious sympathetic overdrive that tells us we must do more, learn more, and try harder.

What is given back to us when we surrender to the descent?

rhythms & cycles



deeper meaning

gentleness & slowness

a creative mind & a vital body

integration of work, play, and relationships

reconciling of the Shadow

courage to grieve

the re-membering of our parts back to our Self

Part III of The HEROINE’S Journey Lecture Series

When: Friday, May 26th, 12:30 pm EST/9:30 am PST
Length: 90 minutes
Exchange: $45/for each; $120/for all 3 parts


If you are just learning about this offering, you can drop in at this juncture of the journey as we move into Phase III. The recordings of Phase I and II as well as accompanying resources are available and you can obtain them by filling out the form below.


To register for this final gathering, submit your information below and complete the monetary exchange, after which you will receive a welcome email with the zoom link and any other pertinent information.

If this is a financially challenging season of life, please reach out and share your situation. A sliding scale is always available.

If you can’t attend live, or desire to return to the lecture, a recording will be available for all who sign up.

Let’s Enter Together